“Thank you so much for lifting my spritits!” Are the words of one of the audience members from our concert. This gentleman is struggling with cancer and for a brief hour and a half he almost forgot about that. This is what our choir and the music we share is all about! We are so thankful to have had a successful  sold-out concert 16th of October. This was truly a great experience for all of us and we would like to thank everyone who came through to support us, and especially the old Traces members and our faithful supporters J  Hopefully we will have a new concert very soon! 

Interested in Joining?

We're always on the outlook for talented singers.

If you're interested in auditioning for Traces apply here.

Contact Information

For questions or enquiries

Traces Gospel Choir is a small women’s group with roots in many continents.

Traces is a diverse ensemble, with members of different musical backgrounds who sing gospel and positive secular music in Norway and the rest of the world. 

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